Docker : Frequently Used Commands
Collection of frequently used docker commands
Command |
Syntax |
Example |
Notes |
Create Docker
Container |
Manually create a docker container |
docker create <image name> |
docker create hello-world |
Start a created/stopped Container |
start a created / stopped docker container |
start -a <container id> |
: watches the output from the container and prints on the console |
Check the output logs during the manual start of
the container |
docker logs <containerid> |
If -a is not specified in the start container command, the output
will not be printed during start of the container. Logs command can be used
to check the output after the container is started |
Run Docker
Containers |
Run a image in a docker container |
docker run <image name> |
docker run hello-world |
docker run = docker create +
docker start |
a image in a docker container and keep the container running in the
background |
run -d <image name> |
run -d hello-world |
Run image in a container and execute a command in
the started container |
docker run <image name> <command> |
docker run busybox echo hello docker run busybox ls |
forwarding the requests from local machine to the container |
run -p <port number of localhost>:<port number of the container>
<image name> |
run -p 8080:8080 princearoraaws/simpleweb |
List docker containers and resources |
the running docker containers |
ps docker
container ls |
List all the docker containers |
docker ps –a docker container ls -a |
-a: Lists all the containers |
all container ids only |
container ls -aq docker
ps –aq |
List only container ids -a:
List all the containers |
List docker volumes |
docker volume ls |
Stop docker containers |
Stop all the running containers |
docker container stop $(docker container ls -aq) |
the docker container |
stop <container id> |
Kil the docker container instance |
docker kill <container id> |
Prune / Remove docker
containers and resources |
Remove all unused containers, networks, images
(both dangling and unreferenced), and optionally, volumes. |
docker system prune -a -f --volumes |
-f: Do not prompt for confirmation --volumes: By default, the command doesn’t remove unused volumes to
prevent losing important data. To remove all unused volumes, pass the
--volumes option -a: Remove all unused images not just dangling ones |
docker containers |
rm <conrtainerID | container name> docker
container rm zen_haslett |
Docker containers are not
automatically removed when you stop them unless you start the container using
the --rm flag |
Remove all stopped containers |
docker container
prune -f
To remove all
stopped containers, invoke the docker container prune command
-f: Do not prompt
for confirmation
Remove images |
docker image prune docker image prune -a |
A dangling image is an image
that is not tagged and is not used by any container. To remove dangling
images use image prune -a : To remove all images
that are not referenced by any existing container, not just the dangling
ones, use the prune command with the -a option |
Remove docker volumes |
docker volume rm -f VOLUME
-f: Do not prompt
for confirmation
Remove all unused local
docker volume prune -f |
-f: Do not prompt for
confirmation |
Remove one or more networks
docker network rm NETWORK [NETWORK...] |
To remove a
network, you must first disconnect any containers connected to it. |
Remove all unused networks
docker network prune -f |
Unused networks are those
which are not referenced by any containers. |
Execute Commands In Docker Container |
Execute a command inside a
running docker container |
docker exec -it
<container id> <command> |
-it: allows to provide input
to the container. -i: input you type will be
directed to standard IN of cli. Keep STDIN open even if not attached -t:All the text you type
will be user friendly formatted terminal. Allocate a pseudo-TT |
Opens the shell prompt of the running container |
docker exec -it <container id> sh |
Get into the shell prompt
inside the container while starting the container |
docker run -it <image
name> sh |
docker run -it busybox sh |
When you specify command while
running the run , the defaut command specified by the image is not executed |
Run tests on a running container |
docker run exec
-it <containerid> npm run test |
DockerFile |
Build the Dockerfile to generate an image |
docker build . |
represents the build context. Build context is a set of files and folders
belonging to our project which we want to encapsulate in the container |
*Note : When using a
Dockerfile, the container will use the cached images instead of doing the
entire build process again in subsequent builds. In case a RUN command is changed,
or a new RUN command is added in the dockerfile, this will cause docker to
run the build process again for the changed/added step and all the steps
after that line. Even if the sequence of
steps is changed, docker will execute the build process from the changed line
and all the subsequent steps If any changes are required
in the steps, the change should be put down as far as possible. |
Build the Dockerfile to generate an image with name of dockerfile
specified |
docker build -f
<docker file name> . |
--> development version |
Tagging an image during build |
docker build -t
<dockerid>/<repo/project name>:<version> . |
Manually taking snapshot of a running docker container |
docker commit -c
"CMD '<default command of the new image>'" <container id>
docker run
<image id> |
docker commit -c
"CMD 'redis-server'" <container id>
Create a new image
from a container’s changes. Commit a container’s file changes or settings into a new image
Multi Step Docker Build -
Production Dockerfile |
FROM node:alpine WORKDIR '/app' COPY package.json . RUN npm install COPY . . RUN npm run build FROM nginx COPY --from=0 /app/build
/usr/share/nginx/html |
docker-compose commands |
Run an image in a container |
docker-compose up |
Build the image and run in a container |
docker-compose up
--build |
Run an image in a container
in background |
docker-compose up -d |
Stop containers |
docker-compose down |
List the containers started
by docker-compose |
docker-compose ps |
Should be run from the
directory containing the docker-compose file |
Mount Docker Volumes |
Mount docker volumes for hot
deployment |
docker run -it -p <localhostport>:<containerport>
-v <container directories not to be mapped to any folder> -v <localhost
workdir to be mapped>:<Container
WORKDIR to be mapped> -e CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true <imageid> |
docker run -it --rm -p
5000:3000 -v /app/node_modules -v ${pwd}:/app -e CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true
princearoraaws/frontend |
Docker Image Commands |
Pull docker image |
docker pull <image id> |
Print out the steps used to create the nginx image |
docker history <
image id> |
docker history
nginx |
Return low-level information on Docker objects |
docker inspect [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...] |
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